Are you interested in joining Ipswich Chamber Choir? Read on!
We are a friendly choir of around 40 -50 voices and are pleased to collaborate with other groups.
We rehearse on Tuesday evenings 7.15-9.30 pm, from September to May/June at St Mary-le-Tower Church, Ipswich, IP1 3BE.
Regarding commitment, we have at least three concerts a year, with a Christmas event, occasionally an optional summer cathedral tour singing services over a weekend and other events such as Ipswich Music Day or collaborations with other music organisations. We aim for excellent standards of performance so ask for a high level of commitment from all singers, with the ability to read music and a reasonable level of sight reading. The expectation is that everyone does preparatory work to learn the music before each rehearsal (a schedule is issued at the beginning of each term) and attends at least 70% of rehearsals for each concert as our Music Director Benedict Collins Rice chooses challenging repertoire and prefers to work on interpretation and polish rather than note bashing.
We sing quite a lot of a cappella works and often in double choir format so there may be only 6 or fewer to a part. Mostly we sing sacred works, but every year we give one concert in the early summer which rotates between jazz, folk and opera. (see Repertoire page under Concerts in the menu for all the music we have performed since our foundation in 1984.)
If you would like to join us we would be pleased to hear from you and arrange for you to try some rehearsals. At the moment we have spaces for tenors in particular.
Membership is by application with a voice check carried out by the Music Director after one or two rehearsals. If successful, Benedict allocates which part you would be singing to suit your range and the balance of the choir. He then liaises with the Committee who will inform you of the outcome.
For more information please contact