Ipswich Chamber Choir welcomes new members. Come and try a few rehearsals. We sing satisfyingly challenging music, our conductor is sensational and we are super friendly. We have spaces in particular for tenors. More information on how to join here

If you are a young singer we have a Choral Apprenticeship Scheme. More information here

Since its formation in 1984, Ipswich Chamber Choir has established a reputation for a high standard of performance. We employ a professional Music Director and Assistant Music Director and engage professional soloists and instrumentalists. We enjoy a varied programme of musical and social events, including at least three concerts a year.

Benedict Collins Rice is our Music Director.

Caroline Finlay is our Assistant Music Director.

Our President is Martyn Bagnall who founded the choir.

Mark Padmore is our Patron.

We also have an annual Friends, Patrons and Sponsors scheme

Click the icons below to find us on social media


The climax of our 4 year Bach Passion Cycle

Not to be missed!

JS Bach - St Matthew Passion

5th April 2025 at 6.00pm

Snape Maltings, IP17 1SP

with The Geldart Ensemble

and Helen Charlston’s Amici Voices

Nick Pritchard (Evangelist)

Michael Craddock (Jesus)

Rachel Ambrose Evans (Soprano)

Rebecca Leggett (Mezzo soprano)

Sebastian Hill (Tenor)

Edmund Saddington (Baritone)

Choristers from St Edmundsbury Cathedral

click below to buy tickets from Snape Box Office



The Bach Passion Cycle

Ipswich Chamber Choir is nearing the climax of an inspirational project to perform J S Bach’s Passions over four years with Amici Voices and The Geldart Ensemble. Click here for more details.

We are fundraising for this exciting project. You can help by joining our Friends, Patrons and Sponsors scheme. From £30 a year for Friends, the benefits include termly newsletters, complimentary programmes and an invitation to see the choir in rehearsal. Click here for more information.

St Luke Passion conducted by Benedict Collins Rice, with Amici Voices and The Geldart Ensemble on 16th March 2024 to rousing applause


Mark Padmore - Photographer Marco Borggreve


We are honoured to have Mark Padmore as our Patron

Read more about Mark here

We were privileged to have such a prestigious singer as Mark Padmore visiting the choir for a rehearsal on 18 February as we prepared for our performance in Snape Maltings on 05 April.  He gave us an inspirational evening, offering his guidance on bringing the drama of the St Matthew Passion to our performance and to give us technical tips on singing the German text to convey the intense emotion of the work .  

Mark commented that the St Matthew Passion is still relevant in today's world and goes beyond religion to talk about the world at large. He added: "This piece is hugely important. It's about suffering; it's about somebody being betrayed by a friend; wrongfully arrested, but interrogated, tortured and finally killed. It's a story that, unfortunately, is as relevant today, as ever.”

Mark said, "Whether or not you are a Christian believer in any way it actually speaks to us and tells us about the ways we can understand it."


Dates for your diary

5th April 2025 - Bach St Matthew Passion, Snape Maltings

See our Next Event

The Facade Ensemble conducted by Benedict Collins Rice perform Berio, Scarlatti, Nono and Clementee

see flyer below for dates and venues


14th June 2025 - Pastoral Paradise featuring The Lark Ascending by Ralph Vaughan Williams

arranged for choir by Paul Drayton

with Tom Aldren violin

Three Folk songs by Jonathan Rathbone and other folk songs

4.00pm at Rushmere St Andrew Church , followed by a buffet tea

Click link below to buy tickets: £16, under 30 £8, under 18 free


25th October - Concert with The Raedwald Brass Ensemble, Coddenham Church

16th December 2025 - Christmas Crackers

An exciting concert of opera choruses with tea and cake at Rushmere St Andrew in June 2023 - The sun shone and we smiled!

Our enjoyable St Matthew Passion Workshop on 12 October 2024 in preparation for the concert at Snape on 05 April 2025



I’m so glad I came to your Birthday Party concert. It was fabulous. The programme was full of favourites - and some new pieces - and I really enjoyed it. The choir is extremely impressive, in your beautiful tone, tight dynamics and excellent control. Well done, all. Obviously a huge amount of work, but you all seemed to be really enjoying it too.

It was nice to see Benedict in action again, too. He’s a bit of a legend, isn’t he. And quite witty.
— Audience member - 40th Anniversary concert 16 November 2024
Last night’s 40th anniversary concert was my absolute favourite from all the concerts that I have attended over the past 32 years!

There was wonderful emotion across all your works, the choir was led so beautifully that the control in the quieter works gave real depth of feeling. And a special mention to the organist who stepped in at the last minute – but his integration with the choir was complete.

I so appreciated the articulate introductions from Benedict Collins Rice, which really enhanced my understanding of what we were listening to – please, ask him to keep educating us all. It makes such a difference.

Congratulations to everyone – a lovely evening out.

— Emma Pitt Steele, Patron and audience member 16th November 2024
The St Luke concert was a tour de force by all performers. The choir knew their stuff and were able to focus on ensemble and dynamics, and the effect was passionate and moving. Their baying crowd scenes were positively vicious! Very high quality orchestra and highly expressive soloists too.
— Anna Cordon, audience member St Luke Passion 16th March 2024
Huge congratulations on the Chamber Choir’s concert last night. It was a tour de force of unaccompanied singing - I don’t think many choirs could sing with such passion for 2 hours! Particular highlights for me were the Agnus Dei and, of course, the incomparable Abendlied.
It was a real treat to have a whole concert of Rheinberger and I congratulate the choir on responding so beautifully to Benedict’s superb direction.

I think that the choir is perfectly positioned to enter its 40th anniversary year!
— Martyn Bagnall, ICC President, Rheinberger, Music for a Winter's Night 18th November 2023
The music and singing were fantastic, I can’t imagine how much rehearsal time went into the performance.
— Imre, audience member St John Passion 25th March 2023
Wonderful, wonderful performance. I was entranced throughout. Your choruses were spot on - lots of vigour and viciousness when required and the chorales were beautiful.
I really liked the tenor - lovely high lyrical and he put the message across to the audience. My favourite by far though was the mezzo Helen Charleston - what a voice - powerful - full - nuanced - passionate. I loved her “Es ist volbracht!” Best I’ve heard - floored me in its strength, depth and finality. She sang every word with meaning.
……….the bass section in “Ruht wohl” coming down in those low arpeggios - to die for!
Sympathetic orchestra - lovely nuanced playing.
— Audience member St John Passion 25th March 2023
What an amazing performance, the best I have ever heard. The audience was spellbound. Congratulations to all the performers and everyone involved
— Audience member St John Passion 25th March 2023
“There are so many areas I want to comment on. Firstly to say how every aspect of the event was so thought out – the professionalism on each level was a joy to experience.
The high standard of musicianship emanating from Benedict through all the elements – the musicians, the soloists and all the choir were outstanding. The choir were strong in all the chorales – the blend of the voices – no jarring voices, just perfect harmonies, singing as one glorious voice.
Then, the incredible soloists; the differences in their styles (not only in their performances – but in their colourful and varied personalities.)
The same excellence was evident in the performances of the individual members of The Geldart Ensemble.
What a feast; engaging the ears, eyes the heart and the soul.
The evening will stay with me for a long time, sustaining and counteracting the awfulness of events taking place in our world at this time.
Thank you Ipswich Chamber Choir for a truly wonderful evening.”
— Audience member St Mark Passion 2nd April 2022
I thought the choir were sounding better than ever so we have exciting times ahead!
— Helen Charlston, Amici Voices
I really enjoyed singing with you again, I thought the choir were superb and definitely hope to be rejoining you soon.
— William Searle, Tenor
We were delighted to listen to the concert by the Ipswich Chamber Choir online this evening. We were impressed by the choir, the soloists and the baroque sounding ensemble. We were calling for an encore from our box seats in the kitchen! Thank you; it was truly excellent.
— our online audience
Benedict’s Suffolk Song was delightful, with some very expressive word painting; moving, joyous but also contemplative.
— our online audience
Thank you for the pleasure you gave with last night’s concert. I was moved to tears listening to your voices with that wonderful accompaniment. The two soloists had such beautiful voices. What a joy to be able to share Bach’s music live again. Thank you! Congratulations to you all for a delightful, too short, event.
— our online audience
An incredible concert. I must admit that I was approaching the performance of the MacMillan more out of interest than anything else. I was not prepared for the huge emotional impact of the music and I can vouch for those around me who were similarly moved. Great singing by the choir and Façade, and very fine and sensitive direction from Benedict. He is to be applauded for his brave programming.
— Martyn Bagnall, ICC President
I really enjoyed singing with you and would love to come back and do so again! I thought the chorus did a fantastic job.

— Tom Lilburn, Countertenor
The choir was terrific, and I was blown away by the period instrumentalists. I still have the sound of the baroque flutes ringing in my ear!
— Sylvia Fairley
A wonderful concert at St Mary le Tower with some challenging pieces that the choir and organist accomplished with real verve. A great evening.
— Sally Wilden
Ipswich Chamber Choir were extremely impressive, and managed to pull off a diverse programme of emotional music with aplomb. The strong rapport between them and Benedict was palpable in the rehearsal and concert, and they were a pleasure to sing with.

— Robbie Haylett, Baritone
It was a great pleasure to work with such a talented musician as Benedict. Ipswich Chamber Choir performed with great musicality and impressively brought to life their challenging concert repertoire. I am sure that there are many exhilarating concert seasons to come under Benedict’s assured baton.

— Anna Cavaliero, Soprano
The Ipswich Chamber Choir’s high standards make working with them a pleasure.
— Benedict Quirke, Tenor
It has been my great pleasure to sing with them on several occasions. They are extremely friendly and welcoming and perform with great passion and musicianship.
— Rupert Reid, Baritone
“I really enjoyed singing for Ipswich Chamber Choir. The programmes are always fantastic. I am increasingly impressed by the musicality with which the choir sings.”
— Robyn Allegra Parton, Soprano
They are one of the most enthusiastic, well-drilled and vibrant choirs that I have had the pleasure to stand in front of.
— Edmund Hastings, Tenor