Ipswich Chamber Choir welcomes new members. Come and try a few rehearsals. We sing satisfyingly challenging music, our conductor is sensational and we are super friendly. We have spaces in particular for tenors. More information on how to join here
If you are a young singer we have a Choral Apprenticeship Scheme. More information here
Since its formation in 1984, Ipswich Chamber Choir has established a reputation for a high standard of performance. We employ a professional Music Director and Assistant Music Director and engage professional soloists and instrumentalists. We enjoy a varied programme of musical and social events, including at least three concerts a year.
Benedict Collins Rice is our Music Director.
Caroline Finlay is our Assistant Music Director.
Our President is Martyn Bagnall who founded the choir.
Mark Padmore is our Patron.
We also have an annual Friends, Patrons and Sponsors scheme